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Ishvarakrishna’s Samkhya-karika (“Verses on Samkhya,” c. 2nd century ce) is the oldest available Samkhya work. Ishvarakrishna describes himself as laying down the essential teachings of Kapila as taught to Asuri and by Asuri to Panchashika. He refers also to Shashtitantra (“Doctrine of 60 Conceptions”), the main doctrines of which he claims to have expounded in the karikas. The Samkhya of Charaka, which is substantially the same as is attributed to Panchashika in the Mahabharata, is theistic and regards the unmanifested (avyakta) as being the same as the purusha (the self). The Mahabharata refers to three kinds of Samkhya doctrines: those ...(100 of 27085 words)