Cato Institute
Cato Institute, a private U.S.-based nonprofit organization devoted to public-policy research, founded in 1974. One of the most influential libertarian think tanks in the United States, it supports peace, individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. Its headquarters are in Washington, D.C.
The Cato Institute was originally established under the name the Charles Koch Foundation, Inc., owing to substantial funding from Charles G. Koch, the chairman of the board and the CEO of the American energy conglomerate Koch Industries, Inc. The institute later adopted its current name, drawing inspiration from Cato’s Letters, a series of essays published in Great Britain in the 18th century promoting liberty against excessive government control. (See Commonwealthmen.)
The Cato Institute seeks to promote its founding principles through a rigorous outreach program that touches on every dimension of public policy. The institute’s researchers conduct comprehensive studies and regularly publish commentaries, books, and articles on a broad spectrum of topics—such as education and child policy, tax and budget policy, money and banking, health and welfare, international trade, and economic development—as well as the Cato Journal, an academic publication.
The Cato Institute does not accept any government funding and mainly relies on contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporations to support its activities. It organizes the annual “Cato University” event, which serves as a public-policy forum for academics and the general public, attracting participants from around the globe.