reproductive behaviour
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reproductive behaviour, any activity directed toward perpetuation of a species. The enormous range of animal reproductive modes is matched by the variety of reproductive behaviour.
Reproductive behaviour in animals includes all the events and actions that are directly involved in the process by which an organism generates at least one replacement of itself. In an evolutionary sense, the goal of an individual in reproduction is not to perpetuate the population or the species; rather, relative to the other members of its population, it is to maximize the representation of its own genetic characteristics in the next generation. The dominant form of reproductive behaviour for achieving this purpose is sexual rather than asexual, although it is easier mechanically for an organism simply to divide into two or more individuals. Even many of the organisms that do exactly this—and they are not all the so-called primitive forms—every so often intersperse their normal asexual pattern with sexual reproduction.
Basic concepts and features
The dominance of sexual reproduction
Two explanations have been given for the dominance of sexual reproduction. Both are related to the fact that the environment in which an organism lives changes in location and through time; the evolutionary success of the organism is determined by how well it adapts to such changes. The physiological and morphological aspects of an organism that interact with the environment are governed by the organism’s germ plasm—the genetic materials that determine hereditary characteristics. Unlike asexual methods, sexual reproduction allows the reshuffling of the genetic material, both within and between individuals of one generation, resulting in the potential for an extraordinary array of offspring, each with a genetic makeup different from that of its parents.
According to proponents of the so-called long-term theory for the dominance of sexual reproduction, sexual reproduction will replace asexual reproduction in the evolutionary development of an organism because it assures greater genetic variability, which is necessary if the species is to keep pace with its changing environment. According to proponents of the short-term theory, however, the above argument implies that natural selection acts on groups of organisms rather than on individuals, which is contrary to the Darwinian concept of natural selection (see evolution: The concept of natural selection). They prefer to view the advantages of sexual reproduction on a more immediate and individual level: an organism employing sexual reproduction has an advantage over one employing asexual means because the greater variety of offspring produced by the former results in a larger number of genes being transmitted to the next generation. The latter view is probably more nearly correct, especially in violently fluctuating and unpredictable environments. The former theory is probably correct when viewed in terms of its advantage to individuals that are spreading in geographic range, thereby increasing the likelihood of encountering different environments.
Natural selection and reproductive behaviour
Natural selection places a premium on the evolution of those physiological, morphological, and behavioral adaptations that will increase the efficiency of the exchange of genetic materials between individuals. Organisms will also evolve mechanisms for sensing whether or not the environment is always permissive for reproduction or if some times are better than others. This involves not only the evolution of environmental sensors but also the concurrent evolution of mechanisms by which this information can be processed and acted upon. Because all seasons are not usually equally conducive, individuals whose genetic backgrounds result in their reproducing at a more favourable rather than less favourable period will eventually dominate succeeding generations. This is the basis for the seasonality of reproduction among most animal species.
Natural selection also results in the evolution of systems for transmitting and receiving information that will increase the efficiency of two individuals’ finding each other. These attraction systems are usually, but not always, species specific (see evolution: Species and speciation). Once the proper individuals have found each other, it is clearly important that they are both in a state of reproductive readiness. That their sensory receptors are tuned to the same environmental stimuli is usually sufficient to achieve this synchrony (proper timing) in the lower organisms. Apparently, however, this is not enough in the more complex organisms, in which the fine tuning for reproductive synchrony is accomplished chiefly by a process called courtship. Another evolutionary necessity is a mechanism that will guide the partners into the proper orientation for efficient copulation. Such mechanisms are necessary for both internal and external fertilization, especially the latter, where improper orientation could result in a complete waste of the eggs and sperm.
In most organisms, the period of greatest mortality occurs between birth or hatching and the attainment of maturity. Thus, it is not surprising that some of the most elaborate evolutionary adaptations of an organism are revealed during this period. Natural selection has favoured an enormous variety of behaviour in both parents and offspring that serves to ensure the maximum survival of the young to maturity. In some animals this involves not only protecting the young against environmental vicissitudes and providing them with adequate nutrition but also giving them, in a more or less active manner, the information they will need to reproduce in turn.
External and internal influences
As mentioned at the beginning of this discussion, the anatomical, physiological, and neurological aspects of reproduction and behaviour are dealt with in other articles. It is useful here, however, to consider briefly the external and internal factors that initiate reproductive behaviour.
Environmental influences
Light, usually in the form of increasing day length, seems to be the major environmental stimulus for most vertebrates and many invertebrates, especially those living in areas away from the Equator. That this should be such an important factor is quite reasonable in an evolutionary sense: increasing day length signifies the onset of a favourable period for reproduction. In equatorial regions, where changes in day length are usually insignificant throughout the year, other environmental stimuli, such as rain, predominate.
Superimposed on day length are usually several other factors, which, if lacking, often override the stimulating effect of light. Many insects, for example, will not initiate a reproductive cycle if they lack certain protein foods. Many animal groups have an internal cycle of cellular activity that must coincide with the external factors before reproduction can occur; a familiar example is the estrous cycle in most mammals except primates. Females are sexually receptive only during a brief period when they have ovulated (released an egg from the ovary).