lava flow: Media
Study how magma erupts as lava and turns into pumice or hardens to form a shield volcano
Spectacular fountainlike eruptions at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, are followed by streams...
The stages of lava: From eruption to cooling
Lava flowing toward the sea from Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, takes two recognizable...
Observe how Pahoehoe and aa lava flows over the Hawaiian vegetation and into the ocean
Pahoehoe and aa lava flows at Mauna Ulu, Hawaii.
How volcanoes work, explained by a volcanologist
Volcanologist Janine Krippner dives into the details of how volcanoes work and the...
Lost Jim Lava Flow, southeastern Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, western Alaska,...
Nichole Andler/U.S. National Park Service
pahoehoe lava
A pahoehoe lava flow issues from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.
J. D. Griggs, U. S. Geological Survey