lacrimal sac
Learn about this topic in these articles:
disease and inflammation
- In dacryocystitis
inflammation and infection of the lacrimal sac, usually stemming from obstruction of the flow of tears into the nose. Tears leave the eye through small openings called puncta in the inner corner of the eye and flow into the lacrimal, or tear, sac, from which they drain through a duct—the…
Read More - In eye disease: Inflammatory conditions of the orbit
Inflammations of the lacrimal sac are much more common. The lacrimal, or tear, sac lies in a hollow at the inner corner of the eye in the front part of the nasal wall of the orbit; under normal conditions, tears run along the margins of the eyelids toward…
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tear duct
- In tear duct and glands
The canaliculi lead to the lacrimal sac near the inner corner of each eye, which itself empties into the nasolacrimal duct, a tubelike structure that directs tears into the nasal cavity.
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