Clastic structures
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- CiteSeerX - Chilled margins in igneous rocks (PDF) (Jan. 25, 2025)
These are various features that express the accumulation of fragments or the rupturing and dislocation of solid material. In volcanic environments they generally result from explosive activity or the incorporation of solid fragments by moving lava; as such, they characterize the pyroclastic rocks. Among the plutonic rocks, they appear chiefly as local to very extensive zones of pervasive shearing, dislocation, and granulation, commonly best recognized under the microscope. Those developed prior to final consolidation of the rock are termed protoclastic; those developed after final consolidation, cataclastic.
Flow structures
These are planar or linear features that result from flowage of magma with or without contained crystals. Various forms of faintly to sharply defined layering and lining typically reflect compositional or textural inhomogeneities, and they often are accentuated by concentrations or preferred orientation of crystals, inclusions, vesicles, spherulites, and other features.
These are straight or curving surfaces of rupture directly associated with the formation of a rock or later superimposed upon it. Primary fractures generally can be related to emplacement or to subsequent cooling of the host rock mass. The columnar jointing found in many mafic volcanic rocks is a typical result of contraction upon cooling.
These are rounded to angular masses of solid material enclosed within a rock of recognizably different composition or texture. Those consisting of older material not directly related to that of their host are known as xenoliths, and those representing broken-up and detached older parts of the same igneous body that encloses them are termed cognate xenoliths or autoliths.
Pillow structures
These are aggregates of ovoid masses, resembling pillows or grain-filled sacks in size and shape, that occur in many basic volcanic rocks. The masses are separated or interconnected, and each has a thick vesicular crust or a thinner and more dense glassy rind. The interiors ordinarily are coarser-grained and less vesicular. Pillow structure is formed by rapid chilling of highly fluid lava in contact with water or water-saturated sediments, accompanied by the development of budlike projections with tough, elastic crusts. As additional lava is fed into each bud, it grows into a pillow and continues to enlarge until rupture of the skin permits escape of fresh lava to form a new bud and a new pillow.
These are special types of inclusions that are intimately related to their host rocks and in general are relatively rich in one or more of the host-rock minerals. They range from small pods to extensive layers and from early-stage crystal accumulations formed by gravitational settling in magma to very late-stage concentrations of coarse-grained material developed in place.
Zonal structures
These are arrangements of rock units with contrasting composition, or texture, in an igneous body, commonly in a broadly concentric pattern. Chilled margins, the fine-grained or glassy edges along the borders of many extrusive and shallow-seated intrusive bodies, represent quenching of magma along contacts with cooler country rock. Other kinds of zones generally reflect fractional crystallization of magma and are useful in tracing courses of magmatic differentiation, as will be noted later.
An interesting type of zonal structure is an orbicular configuration that has alternating light and dark repeating bands in an oval arrangement found in some diorites and granodiorites. Pegmatites also often have zonal structures due to fluctuations in fluid composition. This results in “pockets” that may contain gems or other unusual minerals.
Classification of igneous rocks
Igneous rocks are classified on the basis of mineralogy, chemistry, and texture. As discussed earlier, texture is used to subdivide igneous rocks into two major groups: (1) the plutonic rocks, with mineral grain sizes that are visible to the naked eye, and (2) the volcanic and hypabyssal types, which are usually too fine-grained or glassy for their mineral composition to be observed without the use of a petrographic microscope. Being rather coarsely grained, phaneritic rocks readily lend themselves to a classification based on mineralogy since their individual mineral components can be discerned, but the volcanic rocks are more difficult to classify because either their mineral composition is not visible or the rock has not fully crystallized owing to fast cooling. As a consequence, various methods employ chemical composition as the criterion for volcanic igneous rock classification. A commonly used technique was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the American geologists C. Whitman Cross, Joseph P. Iddings, Louis V. Pirsson, and Henry S. Washington. In this method, the mineral composition of the rock is recalculated into a standard set of typically occurring minerals that theoretically could have developed from the complete equilibrium crystallization at low temperatures of a magma of the indicated bulk composition. The calculated hypothetical mineral composition is called the norm, and the minerals constituting the standard set are termed normative minerals, since they are ordinarily found in igneous rocks. The rock under analysis may then be classified according to the calculated proportions of the normative minerals.
Because other methods for calculating the norm have been devised, this original norm is referred to as the CIPW norm after the initials of the four petrologists who devised the system. The norm calculation allows the petrologist studying an aphanitic rock to “see” the mineral assemblage that corresponds well with the actual mineral assemblage of a plutonic rock of the same composition that had crystallized under equilibrium conditions. Moreover, the norm has been shown to have a thermodynamic basis. The concept of silica saturation discussed above is incorporated into the norm, which will show whether a magma of a certain composition is supersaturated, saturated, or undersaturated by the presence or absence of normative minerals such as quartz, orthopyroxene, olivine, and the feldspathoids.