Mexican hallucinogenic mushroom
Also known as: Psilocybe mexicana
Learn about this topic in these articles:
source of psilocin and psilocybin
- In psilocin
…notably the two Mexican species Psilocybe mexicana and P. cubensis (formerly Stropharia cubensis). Hallucinogenic mushrooms used in religious ceremonies by Indigenous peoples of Mexico were considered sacred and were called “god’s flesh” by the Aztecs. In the 1950s the active principles psilocin and a closely related substance called psilocybin
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use in drug cults
- In drug cult: Hemp, mushrooms, cacti, and their derivatives
The chief species is Psilocybe mexicana, of which the active principle is psilocybin and its derivative psilocin, in their chemical composition and activity not unlike LSD (D-lysergic acid diethylamide); the latter is synthesized from the alkaloids (principally ergotamine and ergonovine) that are constituents of ergot, a
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