wax plant
plant, Euphorbia species
Also known as: Euphorbia antisyphilitica
Learn about this topic in these articles:
candelilla wax
- In candelilla wax
…a coating on candelilla shrubs, Euphorbia antisyphilitica or Euphorbia cerifera, which grow wild in northern Mexico and Texas. Candelilla wax resembles carnauba wax but is less hard. Because it blends with other waxes and is less costly, candelilla wax is used chiefly as an extender in formulas containing carnauba, paraffin,…
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description and use
- In spurge: Major species
Wax plant (E. antisyphilitica), from Mexico, has similar but unbranched, rodlike, gray-green, mostly naked, 1-metre (3.3-foot) stems from the surface of which comes an important wax used for polishes, candles, lubricants, and paper waterproofing.
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