Central Western Carpathians
mountain range, Europe
Learn about this topic in these articles:
subdivision of Carpathian Mountains
- In Slovakia: Relief
…middle of the country, the Central Western Carpathians include Slovakia’s highest ranges: the High Tatra (Vysoké Tatry) Mountains, containing the highest point in the republic, Gerlachovský Peak, at 8,711 feet (2,655 meters); and, to the south of them, the Low Tatra (Nízke Tatry) Mountains, which reach elevations of about 6,500…
Read More - In Carpathian Mountains: Physiography of the Carpathian Mountains
The Central Western Carpathians consist of a series of isolated mountain ranges separated by structural depressions. Highest among them are the Tatras (Gerlachovský Štít, 8,711 feet), exhibiting a typical high-mountain glacial relief with ice-scoured (cirque) lakes and waterfalls. This highest Carpathian massif is built of crystalline…
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