Nicetas Choniates: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Nicetas Acominatus • Niketas Choniates
Born c.1555 • Byzantine Empire
Died 1217 • İznikTurkey
Subjects Of Study Fourth CrusadeThird CrusadeByzantine Empire

Byzantine historian
John VI Cantacuzenus, detail from an illuminated manuscript, 14th century; in the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris (Ms. Gr. 1242).
John VI Cantacuzenus
Byzantine emperor
Nicephorus Gregoras
Byzantine scholar
Baldwin I
Baldwin I
Byzantine emperor
George Acropolites
Byzantine statesman and scholar
Nicephorus Bryennius
Byzantine statesman and historian
Anna Comnena
Byzantine princess
George the Monk
Byzantine historian
Laonicus Chalcocondyles
Byzantine historian
Alexius V Ducas Mourtzouphlus
Byzantine emperor
Michael Critobulus
Turkish historian
John Cinnamus
Byzantine historian
George Sphrantzes
Byzantine historian
John Scylitzes
Byzantine historian
Joseph Genesius
Byzantine scholar
Menander Protector
Byzantine historian
Edward Gibbon
Edward Gibbon
British historian
J.B. Bury
British scholar
George Finlay
British historian
