Martin Chemnitz: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Martin Kemnitz
Born November 9, 1522 • Germany
Died April 8, 1586 (aged 63) • BraunschweigGermany
Subjects Of Study Lutheranism
Role In Reformation


Martin Luther
Martin Luther
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Philipp Melanchthon
Philipp Melanchthon
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Andreas Karlstadt
German religious leader
Agricola, Johann
Johann Agricola
German theologian
Osiander, Andreas
Andreas Osiander
German theologian
Nikolaus von Amsdorf, lithograph, 1820, after a 16th-century engraving.
Nikolaus von Amsdorf
German theologian
Joachim Camerarius
German scholar and theologian
Matthias Flacius Illyricus
European religious reformer
Gudbrandur Thorláksson
Icelandic bishop and scholar
Paul Tillich
American theologian and philosopher
Martin Bucer, medal by Friedrich Hagenauer, 1543; in the Archives and Library of the City of Strasbourg.
Martin Bucer
Protestant religious reformer
Albrecht Ritschl
German theologian
Schwenckfeld, detail from a portrait by an unknown artist, 1556; in the Schwenkfelder Library, Pennsburg, Pa.
Kaspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig
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Sebastian Franck
German theologian
Georg Spalatin
Bavarian humanist
Johann Salomo Semler
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Franz von Sickingen
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Richard Rothe
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Johann Gerhard
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