Edmund Calamy: Facts & Related Content

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Born February 1600 • LondonEngland
Died October 29, 1666 (aged 66)
Subjects Of Study Calvinism


Ames, William
William Ames
English theologian
John Calvin
John Calvin
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Theodore Beza
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Hodge, Charles
Charles Hodge
American scholar
Gisbertus Voetius
Dutch theologian
Joseph Priestley
Joseph Priestley
English clergyman and scientist
Newman, John Henry
St. John Henry Newman
British theologian
John Wycliffe
John Wycliffe
English theologian
William of Ockham
English philosopher
Richard Hooker, engraving by E. Finden after a print by W. Hollar.
Richard Hooker
English theologian
Antony Flew
English philosopher
Chesterton, G.K.
G.K. Chesterton
British author
William De La Mare
English philosopher
Isaac Of Stella
English philosopher and theologian
John Biddle
English theologian
Ralph Cudworth
Ralph Cudworth
British theologian and philosopher
George Carey
George Carey
archbishop of Canterbury
Frederick Denison Maurice
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British economist
St. Edmund
St. Edmund of Abingdon
archbishop of Canterbury