Henry Moore: Media
British artist
Chac Mool sculpture at Chichén Itzá
Chac Mool sculpture at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, Mexico.
© Comstock Images/Jupiterimages
Henry Moore: Two-Piece Reclining Figure No. 9
Two-Piece Reclining Figure No. 9, bronze by Henry Moore, 1968; at the National...
Robin Smith Photography, New South Wales
Reclining Figure: Angles from an exhibition of Henry Moore's sculptures...
© PRNewsFoto/The New York Botanical Garden/John Peden/AP Images
Henry Moore: Woman Seated in the Underground
Woman Seated in the Underground, gouache, pen and ink, ink wash, watercolour,...
Courtesy of the trustees of the Tate, London, with permission of Henry Moore
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