Friedrich August von Alberti
German geologist
Learn about this topic in these articles:
contribution to geochronology
- In geochronology: Completion of the Phanerozoic time scale
Based on his earlier work, Friedrich August von Alberti identified in 1834 these three distinct lithostratigraphic units, the Bunter Sandstone, the Muschelkalk Limestone, and the Keuper Marls and Clays, as constituting the Trias or Triassic System.
Read More - In Triassic Period
…1834 by the German paleontologist Friedrich August von Alberti for a sequence of rock strata in central Germany that lay above Permian rocks and below Jurassic rocks. (The name Trias referred to the division of these strata into three units: the Bunter [or Buntsandstein], Muschelkalk, and Keuper.) Alberti’s rock sequence,…
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