octopus: Media
mollusk order
Swimming with a giant Pacific octopus
Join researchers looking for the giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini).
How do octopuses and other cephalopods know what colours to display so as to hide from predators or to attract mates?
How do “colour-blind” octopuses know what colour to change to in order to hide from...
Take a spectacular view of an octopus on a lava pillar in the northeastern Pacific Ocean
An octopus on a lava pillar in the northeastern Pacific Ocean.
Watch the larger Pacific striped octopus unique shrimp-catching strategy
Observe the unique shrimp-catching strategy of the larger Pacific striped octopus.
See how the traditional Greek delicacy of octopus and tomato sauce is made
Learn how a traditional Greek dish of octopus and tomato sauce is made.
common octopus
At rest, the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) blends into its surroundings.
© Marineland of Florida
common octopus
The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) may blanch when agitated.
© Marineland of Florida
steps in the evolution of the eye in living mollusk species
Steps in the evolution of the eye as reflected in the range of eye complexity in...
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
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