- Introduction
- The basic functions of economic systems
- The workings of the price system
- Limitations and failures of the price system
- Noncapitalist price systems
- References
- Introduction
- The basic functions of economic systems
- The workings of the price system
- Limitations and failures of the price system
- Noncapitalist price systems
- References
Imperfect knowledge and tastes
Another limitation to which the price system is subject has to do with the control of knowledge and tastes. To the extent that an economic actor, whether a consumer, a labourer, or an investor, is poorly informed, he is likely to make decisions whose consequences are much different from those he desired and expected. What follows relates only to consumer decisions, but parallel issues arise in labour markets, securities markets, etc.
A consumer can satisfy his desires only if he makes intelligent purchases—that is, only if the goods he buys are what he believes them to be. How can the consumer know whether the meat is free of disease or whether the washing machine will function well and long or whether the fabric of the garment is one synthetic fibre or another? To ascertain these facts personally, the consumer would have to be a versatile scientist equipped with a superb laboratory, and then he would need to spend so much time testing goods that he would have little time to enjoy them.
In some measure the consumer does experiment in his buying: whenever he buys a thing repeatedly, experience tells him much concerning its properties. Direct experience is a sufficient guide in buying celery or hiring domestic servants, but usually the purchase of information takes a less-direct form. The city’s premier department store can sell at prices somewhat higher than less-well-known retailers, and the difference represents the payment of a price for reliability, responsibility, and the guarantee of quality. In parallel fashion the consumer buys the washing machine of a company that made his excellent refrigerator. Occasionally, information is bought directly: the advice of a lawyer, the knowledge of an appraiser, the taste of an interior decorator.
The most important and controversial method of informing consumers is by advertising. Many critics are outraged by the self-serving statements of sellers, some of whom indubitably provide irrelevance and deception rather than information. Yet the informational content of advertising may not be as deficient as its critics believe; advertising itself meets two market tests. In the first place, the direct sale of information by consumer advisory services has never become important, although there are no obstacles to entering this business. In the second place, there has been a general, sustained improvement in the quality of consumer goods over time: the automobile tire goes many more miles than formerly; the airplane flies more safely.
Nevertheless, recent public policy has paid great attention to increasing the safety of products and to raising the accuracy of advertising claims.
Knowledge is sometimes difficult to distinguish from taste: does the consumer who persists in smoking cigarettes have inadequate knowledge or simply different comparative values for the pleasures and risks of smoking? Censorship, in any event, is fairly common in every economic system: no society allows young children or incompetents full freedom of action or allows the unlimited sale of narcotics. Since the price system never forbids an effective demand (a demand backed by a willingness to pay the supply price), some form of restriction of prices is therefore necessary if certain tastes are to be forbidden or restricted. Compulsory school attendance can be viewed as, in effect, a form of censorship, and so are the controls on sale of firearms and the taxes on tobacco and liquor.