Britannica Money

market research

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market research, study of the requirements of various markets, the acceptability of products, and methods of developing or exploiting new markets. A variety of techniques are employed, depending on the purpose of the research; e.g., surveys may be made of consumer attitudes and product preferences, either generally or in particular regions, and new or altered products may be introduced experimentally into designated test-market areas. Market research typically involves a great deal of mathematical modeling, and different types of research may rely on specifically devised methods of data collection, scaling, sampling, and data analysis. Such research can be key to wise brand management.

Primary market research is based on the collection of original data and is designed to address the specific information needs of particular businesses. Secondary market research usually explores more general questions on the basis of existing or published data from sources such as reports and studies by government bodies, chambers of commerce, rating agencies, and others.

Formal market research dates back to the 1920s in Germany and the 1930s in Sweden and France. After World War II, American firms probably led in the use and refinement of market research techniques, which spread throughout much of western Europe and Japan. Whereas the information obtained through market research in industrialized economies is fairly specific, relating to particular products or individual firms, in less-developed countries more general information is sought.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Zeidan.


Robin Birn (ed.), The Handbook of International Market Research Techniques, 2nd ed. (2000); Edward F. McQuarrie, The Market Research Toolbox: A Concise Guide for Beginners, 3rd ed. (2012).