embedded journalism
embedded journalism, the practice of placing journalists within and under the control of one side’s military during an armed conflict. Embedded reporters and photographers are attached to a specific military unit and permitted to accompany troops into combat zones. Embedded journalism was introduced by the U.S. Department of Defense during the Iraq War (2003–11) as a strategic response to criticisms about the low level of access granted to reporters during the Persian Gulf War (1990–91) and the early years of the Afghanistan War (which began in 2001).
Although battlefield reporting dates to ancient times, embedded journalism added a new dimension to war coverage. While journalists had enjoyed fairly wide access in the Vietnam War, some commanders felt that the depiction of that war in the media had contributed to declining public support for it. As a result, reporting in the Persian Gulf War was largely restricted to the “pool system,” wherein a small number of journalists were selected to accompany the military and act as a news agency for the remainder of the press corps. In early 2003, as it became increasingly apparent that a war between the United States and Iraq was imminent, the Department of Defense offered journalists the opportunity to join U.S. troops after undergoing boot camp-style training and accepting a series of ground rules. During the invasion of Iraq, approximately 600 embedded journalists were permitted to join American forces.
The scholarly debate on the effects of covering combat operations by embedded journalists started while U.S. troops were still on their way to Baghdad. On the one hand, it was argued that a new standard of openness and immediacy had been created for war coverage. Reporters directly involved in military action were believed to provide a more-incisive account of events by shedding the inevitable speculation that might surface by keeping the media at a distance. Others, though, viewed embedding more negatively, raising concerns in particular about bias in reporting. Even media organizations who participated in the embedding program described it as an attempt to present the U.S. side of the war in a sympathetic light by absorbing reporters into the culture of the military and tainting the objectivity that journalists are bound to uphold.
One advantage of embedding was that it added a measure of protection for journalists who sometimes found themselves the target of violence by one or more sides in a conflict. Indeed, dozens of non-embedded journalists and media professionals—the overwhelming majority of whom were Iraqi—were killed during the Iraq War, either in combat or as the result of targeted assassinations. In 2007 a pair of independent journalists working for the Reuters news agency were killed by U.S. forces when the pilot of a helicopter gunship mistook their camera for a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Video footage of the attack was published by the Web site WikiLeaks in 2010, leading some media professionals to question the army’s rules of engagement. U.S. Army officials responded by saying that the incident highlighted the dangers to journalists who chose to operate independently in a war zone.