Self-Employed Women’s Association
Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), trade union based in India that organized women for informal employment (work outside a traditional employer-employee relationship). The Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) was founded in 1972 by Indian lawyer and social activist Ela Bhatt and a small group of other women whose unique needs as indigent female informal textile workers were not being met by conventional labour unions. SEWA’s membership eventually grew to include hundreds of thousands of women in a variety of occupations, castes, and ethnic groups across India. The union itself became both an organization and a movement for social change, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s principles and situating its efforts at the intersection of the labour movement, the cooperative movement, and the women’s movement.
SEWA’s primary goals included full employment and self-reliance of its members. The union considered local-level organizing by its members to be the primary means of achieving those goals, which helped alleviate poverty and facilitate development. As a result, SEWA members were organized locally into workers’ cooperatives, producers’ groups, rural savings and credit groups, and social security groups. Although many of the groups were organized by occupation, they also addressed other issues, including education, housing, health care, child care, and violence against women.
SEWA provided training to its members and ran a bank that provided access to savings and credit for members. Because of their poverty, employment status, and illiteracy, members had been unable to gain access to such services in other ways.